

Calculate payroll with confidence

Run unlimited payrolls

Run unlimited payrolls

Sync attendance, OT, & benefits

Sync attendance, OT, & benefits

Calculate pension & tax

Calculate pension & tax

Generate bank ready documents

Generate bank ready documents

Run your payrolls in under 10 minutes

All in sync

All in sync

Be it benefits, attendance, OT, policies, or loan schemes, we will sync it with your payroll calculations.

Split Salary

Split salaries of each employee in multiple currencies & run payrolls according to your own schedule.

Split Salary

One click reporting

Checkboxes for diversity & inclusion - generate insights for pay gaps both demographically & department-wise. Get snapshots & details into total pay, deductions, schemes, & bonuses.

Learn more about Insights
One click reporting
Pension sorted

Pension sorted

There's a lot of documentation & calculations that strings along with pension. We help automate the process & deduct pension amounts as per your policies.

Publish Payslips

Publish Payslips

Once the payroll’s deposited by the bank, publish payslips so that your employees can access it whenever they want to.

Test run your payroll with us

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